Death. Honestly, I am scared of it. Scared of not knowing what lies ahead and after LIFE. I know I shouldn't be talking like this right now since I'm young and I'm just about to start entering the REALITY. But, I wasn't supposed to starting it...should've ended from one of the 3 accidents I had this past few years. First, on our way home to Bulacan; In the car lining in the NLEX Tollgate...happy and excited we were then suddenly, a truck struck us violently. Inside, we were frantic--lost. Watching the 10-wheeler truck crush the car moment by moment, but we merely counted our last breaths. Adrenalin, yes...we got out of the car before it was totaled by the truck gradually mashing the steel structure. Miracle, it was. No one dead, all were safe. Thank God.
Another was of our cycling trip in Bulacan. We got a long break then I decided to go biking with my High school friends. We had fun, and out of my awareness...another accident would happen. This time, the event involved only I. After I drove home one of my friends, I decided to go home. I was waiting for the vehicles to clear out of the highway so I could go across to the other side where my house was located. I pedaled across...slowly it was when I did it; Time seems to pause and move---pause and then, move. At my left a huge truck near, it was a meter away. I was in the middle of the highway. In my right, another truck---meters away, seconds apart, and I was about to be sandwiched by two. Then Time resumed, the wind dorve me out of the way of lying dead in the middle of the highway. Again, a miracle.
Recently, I'd been struck by a motor cycle. This time, I was just walking my way to school...5 minutes before bell time. I walked on the pedestrian lane...seems like a normal day too me because everything just now is of habit, not knowing a motorcycle would hit me. Yes, the lucky one among a dozen who would cross the same time as I. I had no major damages, no injuries, no nothing. I was saved, and the violator paid for the incident ; not to me...but to the law. He harmed the law governing the place as well as the person who imposed the "One Way" policy; He hurt those, more than he hurt me.
So, you see...if everything seems so of tradition and customary, there will always come a time of a change. Life comes with twists of fate. You'll never know what leads to what, and you'll never know what is NEXT. Sometimes, Life ensures expectations...confirmed them (like what Psychologists believe), but there's more of it than mere expectations. Life's about the beyond transformations around us, including us. Life is a network of variations that keeps us all going. When your hours turn to days, it is so too that Minutes of your life counted down to ZERO.
be SAFE. :)
*I wrote this after reviewing for a test regarding Theories of Learning; Inspired by the theories about expectations.
I just needed this time to reflect of all the events that almost took the heck out of my life and how lucky I am to be SAVED.
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