Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Iliad by Homer

If you want an instant Epistaxis and brain hemorrhage, read this book! Aside from its obviously classical style of writing, this book serves as an important foundation in world literature. If you're a Greek-geek just like me, you'll read this book more than once! First reading will always be filled with fascination, but when you read it in depth evaluation is a sure thing. 

I started reading Greek mythology in 5th grade. At that time, most of my classmates were busy watching cartoons and crushing on cute anime guys. Well, I seek for intellectual deviance. I've always wanted to know the sources of moral and practical heroism n different cultures. And the closest I could get to acquire that knowledge, was by reading.

There are a dozen of condensed versions of The Iliad, but I prefer the expanded one. I don't prefer "short-cuts" in reading a book. The Iliad, actually, is composed of different books (like the Bible), which still tells a continuous story. One thing I appreciate in the long version: you'd get to have a thorough insight on how the gods and goddess played with humans. Making humans, merely pawns in games of gods and goddesses. I also sensed a strange gay love between Achilles and Patroclos :))

Almost everyone I knew, who read the book chose Achilles as their favorite. Well, as for me,I would prefer Paris. I know he's a little cocky , and not the hero type but I find him very poetic. Another one would be King Priam, very regal and humble.

Here are some quotes from the condensed version I've read:

"It is not a bad temper that keeps me here, but a bitter heart." (Paris)

"That is fate's decree." (Zeus)

"You hope to destroy our ships, but we also have hands to defend them." (Aias)

Rating: 4/5

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