Lost, are we?
Most of us get situated in a moment when only dark clouds overhead
appear to be in infinite intercept with the sun. You know, moments when we can
only feel the sting of disappointments and an incomplete halt of emotions, all
embedded in one silent zephyr.
But we live in a world where life is cycle: we begin filled
with questions, learning as our zenith, and living as our goal. And life goes
on...and on.
And every day we remind ourselves not to feel hopeless in
difficult times; that conquering challenges will always take us to the bright
Because it is true that, “Every
cloud has a silver lining.” We can’t be in a total state of oblivion; not
even an amaurotic in difficult situations. A situation—how arduous may it be,
will always lead us to better days.
Even if the clouds grow darker and heavens exhibit blindness—look on the bright side of it. Look more closely at the edges of every cloud...we can still see the sun.
Life is the ultimate
cliché. But life is like that—a continuous search for a silver lining.