Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Way back in Grade 6...we had the start of making journal reflections daily.
We were provided a record book to serve as our journal and we were required to make it personalized. Since I was an irresponsible student I only wrote reflections whenever I was required too and when I really needed to present one.

So who needs those friggin' reflections? it's only an additional burden to both students and teachers. A waste of ink and paper plus time.

I was only able to occupy 10 leaves of reflection and half of the 490 leaves remaining was for my doodles and kiddie-minded drawings. Some pages were wasted and filled with goodbye dedications and "treasuring friendship kabaklaan" with my batchmates.

So the reflection writing went on until our fourth year in high school.
In my freshmen year, I was able to improve in writing but still wasted almost all the pages in my composition notebook. This time, the school had provided us their own School Journal Writing Notebook.

When I reached my sophomore year, I was inspired by my teacher in Literature. My favorite teacher, Sir Rolly Arcega. Among all of our teachers, he was the only one who changed the way I looked at things particularly in writing.

This time, i was more responsible and was concerned with my studies. That time was also the turning point of my intellectual history. I was able to get what I don't deserve academically. I was an aspirant of the achievers in the class.

I wasn't able to make it, and really lacked more confidence and fidelity in studies.
Sir Rolly gave us tips and useful techniques in writing better reflections. I used it until my senior year and found it useless now(cheesy, read until the end).

On my Junior year, I was able to make it to the achievers and not in the lowest of rank. This is the climax of my academic life, but not on its highest peak. From ZERO to NERO. WAHAHA!
This was also the time my evil horns and tail unleashed its wrath to humankind!!!! pride engulfed me and soon took over my soul.

I enjoyed writing, loved it dearly and practiced it carefully. Still, I was very inconsistent.

I practiced creative writing and attended a summer class in writing in preparation for my senior year. I devoted myself in writing the whole summer and was able to make pre-blog posts and amateur types of compositions; and still using the techniques Sir Rolly gave us.

I promised to complete my journal reflection everyday to make up for the wasted years that I took writing for granted.

We also had our composition writing subject with our beloved directress, and topped it most of the time. I really worked hard with each topic we were asked to write.

my teachers appreciated my reflections and I was glad about it. Some weren't satisfied but I proved them wrong before the year ended.
I successfully got the title i was battling for--the journal writing award.

Now, back to basics. Freshmen again and nothing much to be proud of.
From school Journal writing..now, an official photo-journalist/ Lay-out sectionist in UST infopsych.

The techniques that Sir Rolly gave us, i found it useless in my Senior year.
But eventually found it useful when I tested for the REAL DEAL.
I passed the elimination, and got a good start with my education.

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